This site is intended for U.S. healthcare professionals.
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Resources and support designed to help your patients get started on their PAXLOVID Rx as soon as possible.
Insurance benefits verification
Help with identifying financial assistance options
Your patients may be eligible for financial assistance from either the Co-Pay Savings Program or the U.S. Government Patient Assistance Program (USG PAP) operated by Pfizer
Live PAXCESS representatives
Our team can provide help with understanding insurance coverage and program eligibility
For eligible patients, the PAXCESS Co-Pay Savings Program offers personalized resources to help you get your prescribed PAXLOVID. In order to be eligible, commercially insured patients must meet the eligibility criteria and comply with the program's terms and conditions.
For patients who don’t meet the requirements for the PAXCESS Co-Pay Savings Program, other resources may be available.
If your patients rely on Medicare or Medicaid for their health insurance coverage or are uninsured, they may qualify for help through the USG PAP operated by Pfizer.
Patients can be enrolled in the USG PAP by visiting or by calling PAXCESS at 1-877-219-7225.
Along with the option for enrollment, the PAXCESS Portal allows you to prescribe PAXLOVID electronically and view your patient’s current prescription status.
Learn how you can download co-pay cards for your patients and access other resources.
Download the latest materials about PAXLOVID.
To report an adverse event, please call 1-800-438-1985
Pfizer for Professionals 1-800-505-4426
This site is intended only for U.S. healthcare professionals. The products discussed in this site may have different product labeling in different countries. The information provided is for educational purposes only.
© 2025 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved.
Drugs that are strong CYP3A inducers: PAXLOVID cannot be started immediately after discontinuation of any of the following medications due to the delayed offset of the recently discontinued CYP3A inducer:
Limitations of Use
PAXLOVID is not approved for use as pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis for prevention of COVID-19.